Clutch 001: Helios x Alor

Maize (Shard)

NAME: Zyoros Filidealor
SPECIES: Drak/Alevaharin/Avengaean Daemon Mutt
SIZE: 14' at shoulder
LINEAGE: Helios Filidethersalyin x Alor
BOND: Maize

PERSONALITY: Hot tempered and high-strung, Zyoras is quick to anger and even quicker to lash out against those who harm him or his bond. He's always looking for the next big confrontation and is eager to help Maize defend her homeworld. Zyoros has a strong sense of duty, but his temper can often get the best of him and he may sometimes do more harm than good. He's unendingly faithful to his bond and would do anything she asks of him. Zyoros does best in the middle of a fight. He's all action, no patience.

NATURAL ABILITIES: Telepathy (strong). Verbal Speech (average). Spit Acid (weak).

KOALITION-GIVEN ABILITIES: Increased flight speed; can reach speeds of up to 500km/hour while flying, but only for short bursts.

Innial (Starfyre)

NAME: Reaalosor Filidealor
GENDER: Female
COLOR: Night
SPECIES: Drak/Alevaharin/Avengaean Daemon Mutt
SIZE: 19' at shoulder
LINEAGE: Helios Filidethersalyin x Alor

PERSONALITY: Reaalosor is a highly intelligent, intuitive lady. She shares Innial's love of trinkets and stories, and even though she hasn't had the world experience he has, she's ingenious at inventing her own! She has a very artistic mind, and prefers to share her creativity through storytelling and fantasies. Reaalosor loves company, she's happiest when surrounded by friends and family. She's quite intuitive about others and tries her hardest to be kindly and sensitive.

NATURAL ABILITIES: Telepathy (Weak). Verbal Speech (Average). Spit Acid (Average). Teleportation (Weak). Summon Fire Elemental (Weak).

KOALITION-GIVEN ABILITIES: Stone Form - she can turn herself completely to stone. Her hide is almost impenetrable and she can use herself as a bludgeon if need be. While this form can be taken at any time and used for any duration, her mobility is severely compromised; she becomes incredibly slow.